It’s Nov. 5th and I vote for us women to stop trying to hide our un-girly smells! Here’s a snippet from a piece I wrote, up on I’mma let it rip, yo!
There are plenty of products keeping us smelling good: Expensive perfumes, arsenals of Bath & Body Works seasonal hand lotions and $8 clinical strength deodorants in pretty packaging.
Add to that the new product Poo-Pourri. You might have seen the commercial. A proper, British woman perched on a toilet listing reasons why women are, or should be, embarrassed that their poop stinks. The commercial was compelling and hilarious enough for me to click the ad to go to the company’s website.
With over four million units sold, I obviously wasn’t the only person interested in this product. The stuff seemed like a miracle. Poo-pourri is a scented spray that layers into the toilet before pooing the poo (aka, having a bowel movement) and traps odors beneath the surface of the water, affording a clean getaway. No more waiting it out in the stall, and definitely no more wishing your boyfriend didn’t use the bathroom right after you came out from a lengthy visit to the porcelain potty.
– Read the rest here: